
Coaching is a professional partnership between an individual or team and a accredited coach where the goals set by the client are processed by innovative applications in order to obtain the best results for the client.

Individuals and teams examine the transitions they live through, the changes they experience and the processes they find challenging from a fresh and creative perspective with their coaches and arrive at a fulfilling and satisfying roadmap. The coach focuses on where the individual currently is and works to create awareness in the client , in order to support them to reach their future destinations.

Team Coachıng

Team coaching is applied to small groups of 10-12 people and is geared towards reaching common goals by developing strategic outlooks and new solutions to obtain effective results. The coach uses different perspectives and team coaching strategies and exercises to help individuals build stronger relationships amongst themselves, which ignites team spirit, motivation and allows them to have greater impact and productivity, consequently moving corporations tosward attaining their goals. Team members develop leadership and collaborative skills by getting in touch with the diverse resources and perspectives within their group and form strong interpersonal bonds anchored in trust.

  • Team spirit and trust building
  • Intra-team communication and feedback
  • Meeting on common goals
  • Bringing light to boundaries and resources of individual members, and facilitating self-reconciliation
  • Developing awareness on the workings of the system and building corresponding response skills
  • Facilitating the development of individual awareness on existing dynamics
  • Facilitating the development of strategic perception
  • Facilitating permanent productivity by creating positive perspectives
  • Uncovering the specific needs and resources of teams as a whole.
  • Determining the individual and systematic needs and resources of teams
  • Handling of inter-team power dynamics as a resource that reinforces productivity and creativity
  • Conflict resolution methods
  • Fortification of team motivation

Building creative and original perspectives and facilitating the teams' endurance of independent navigation and self-determination, without the need for further support, by the completion of the process.
Executıve Coachıng
“The Executive Coaching Forum” ' definition of executive coaching is as follows:
“Executive coaching is an experiential and individualized leader development process that builds a leader’s capability to achieve short- and long-term organizational goals. It is conducted through one-on-one and/or group meetings, guided by data from multiple perspectives and based on mutual trust and respect. The organization, the executive, and the executive coach work in partnership to achieve maximum impact.”

High level executives who have to battle complicated systems within and outside corporations acquire new perspectives through the comprehensive viewpoint and professional approach provided by the coaching service. Supporting executives in areas of where they need transformation, building their awareness and contributing to the awakening of their dormant potential constitute parts of the process.

  • Within this process, executives experience:
  • Leadership skills
  • Methods for higher performance
  • Time management
  • Communication skills
  • Efficient use of internal and external resources
  • Work and life balance
  • Coping with change and adversity
  • Modes of enduring impact
  • And efficient mobilization of their teams;
  • through a collaborative journey of self discovery and transformation.
Group Coachıng

Group coaching, which brings together people who don't know and/or are not in direct communication with one another, allows us to acquire support from other members, gain new perspectives and simultaneously support others while progressing towards self- resolution and individual goals.

  • Advantages of group coaching include pluralistic support, belonging, awareness, diverse ideas, enriched learning process and feedback opportunities.
  • Individuals contribute to each other’s learning process by sharing personal experiences.
  • Conflict evaluation through improving intra-group communication allows the realization of new awareness by establishing trust.
  • Healthy coping strategies are formulated by strengthening group motivation.
  • New ideas surface, receive support and are fostered into realization.

Goals can be achieved faster as efficiency improves.

Personal Coachıng

Personal coaching process is designed to help individuals overcome adversities abundant in our time due to our hectic pace and forge ahead with their goals. Individuals evaluate opportunities in their lives and focus on building the necessary awareness, skills and actions to reach set goals.
Coaching improves developmental acceleration by allowing individuals to understand their present situations and facilitating effective choice making in taking advantage of upcoming opportunities.
The coach helps individuals to actualize themselves by realizing their potential, to attain inner integration, and in short, to upgrade their life quality.

Relatıonshıp Coachıng

Relationship coaching is conducted to transform interpersonal disconnections via diagnosing mutual needs, to make accurate choices by correct expression and healthy communication, and to gain clarity and achieve lasting impact on interpersonal relationships.

Modern day conditions harbor a variety of relationships and dynamics in both personal and professional arenas. We encounter difficulties in professional relationships, friendships, with our significant others and children. At times like these, a professional and objective approach comes needed to look over the dynamics and to restructure the relationship. Relationship coaching allows individuals to set healthy boundaries and create options in order to swiftly accomplish set goals. A healthy relationship build on trust renders the relationship process into a playful, enjoyable and exciting process by transforming individual differences into advantages.

  • The goal of relationship coaching is to attain effective results and generate change towards effective dialogue by developing the following abilities:
  • The ability to understand the dual system and read it's energy
  • Clear and direct communication
  • Developing a healthy and functioning the mechanism of demand and feedback
  • Better mutual understanding
  • Better self support
  • Structuring a balanced and compatible synergy

Defining and working towards the ideal relationship