Relatıonshıp Coachıng

Relationship coaching is conducted to transform interpersonal disconnections via diagnosing mutual needs, to make accurate choices by correct expression and healthy communication, and to gain clarity and achieve lasting impact on interpersonal relationships.

Modern day conditions harbor a variety of relationships and dynamics in both personal and professional arenas. We encounter difficulties in professional relationships, friendships, with our significant others and children. At times like these, a professional and objective approach comes needed to look over the dynamics and to restructure the relationship. Relationship coaching allows individuals to set healthy boundaries and create options in order to swiftly accomplish set goals. A healthy relationship build on trust renders the relationship process into a playful, enjoyable and exciting process by transforming individual differences into advantages.

  • The goal of relationship coaching is to attain effective results and generate change towards effective dialogue by developing the following abilities:
  • The ability to understand the dual system and read it's energy
  • Clear and direct communication
  • Developing a healthy and functioning the mechanism of demand and feedback
  • Better mutual understanding
  • Better self support
  • Structuring a balanced and compatible synergy

Defining and working towards the ideal relationship